A photo collage of many children with DYRK1A Syndrome.


If you are a new family a good place to go is "Welcome", where you will find a collection of information to help get you started on what is available.

We are currently using a Facebook Group to connect with other families experiencing the effects of genetic changes that alter the DYRK1A gene. We have worked hard at maintaining a safe and supportive atmosphere in our Facebook Group. Read our rules for the group “Best Rules Ever”. We are a small but growing community that hopes to provide support, information, and resources. We hope to spread awareness of the effects that occur in DYRK1A  Syndrome.

"It is truly amazing how this group has begun to reach across the world, uniting families together who felt so alone with the news. While social media can have its drawbacks, this group is a light, shining across the oceans. But mostly as a grandparent, it makes my heart swell to see all these beautiful, smiling faces and know that each of them is such a blessing to us all. " — Leslie Ray

In July of 2024 we reached our 800 milestone for the number of families we have connected with.